Product Review:
Dentatus' Profin
This Instrument Boosts Interpoximal Finishing
Dentatus’ Profin impresses evaluators, thanks to its novel design and ability to protect opposing tooth surfaces. [written by Ankur Gupta, DDS]
Even after practicing dentistry for nearly 20 years, gaining access to the interproximal space, especially below the area of contact between 2 teeth, is tremendously difficult. On a regular basis, I must deal with the following:
Large and small interproximal composite overhangs Retained cement, Enamel defects, Composite voids,Tenacious calculus
These very common clinical nuisances are difficult to smooth off because of their lack of clinical and visual access. Sadly, if these interproximal imperfections are not smoothed off effectively, the remaining abnormality can create an abundance of bacterial activity and inflammation. The armamentarium that most dentists have at their disposal is limited, including floss, discs, mosquito-shaped burs, a variety of finishing strips, and periodontal curettes—all of which have limitations in their consistent effectiveness and ease of use
Dentatus, a well-known dental developer and manufacturer in Sweden, has recently introduced an incredibly clever clinical tool, called the Profin.
The Profin is a series of novelly designed diamond-coated finishing tips that are delivered to the treatment site via a dedicated reciprocating handpiece. The goal of this tool is to provide dental clinicians with a more convenient and effective alternative to accomplish the following:
Gross reduction of interproximal overhangs
Finishing and polishing of interproximal class II composite
Groove and undercut removal
Gingival embrasure opening
Creating shoulder bevelsat the gingiva
Interproximal reduction(for aligner therapy)
Fifteen dentists, including myself, who are all clinical product evaluators for Catapult Education, were given the Profin for several weeks during typical clinical production. At the end of the trial, we were all asked to provide unbiased feedback based on our clinical experience with the Profin.
The Catapult Education™ and product review board have established several sophisticated criteria in an effort to determine whether a product receives the Catapult Vote of Confidence®. Most important of these criteria is the level of confidence we have that our group of dentists are willing to change our currently held routines and processes in order to include a new product simply because they love the product so much. In this case, with Dentatus’ Profin, most Catapult Education™ dentists are willing to do just that.
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