Your Total Dental Imaging Solutions Provider

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Mouse Functions-Adjusting Images
Basic mouse functions explained and demonstrated along with the option for those users who prefer touch pads to perform the same. Items are fast/slow scrolling, slicing, zoom, panning, window leveling (contrast, brightness) plus comparison to icons to select for those users who prefer touchpads only.
Mandibular Canal Marking
How to mark the mandibular nerve canal techniques. Emphasis in aligning all the MPR views and preferred 3D template set before the actual markings begin. Also see the ALT key pinpoint in 3 Views instructional video for reference however this video includes discussion of that technique too.
Crop, 3D-Slab and MIP
How to cut away specific regions or remove unwanted sections even if just temporarily. The slab allows 3D to be sliced and the MIP feature converts 3D images into CT images while retaining the functionality of the 3D display.