Members of Catapult Grow™ save big on lab fees with Aceso Dental USA
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MicroDental Laboratories and Aceso Dental USA are proud partners of Catapult Education

A Dental Lab Solution for Every Practice

A network of local dental labs where Smiles Matter!

Combining Artistic Craftsmanship and Technology

Part of a leading global laboratory network you can trust!

The Premier Group Practice Lab Solution


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Dental lab network with domestic fabrication dedicated to partnering with dentists, delivering top-notch dentistry to patients.

Our emphasis is on crafting high-quality dental restorations, blending artistry with cutting-edge technology for optimal performance and lifelike aesthetics.
18 Locations Across North America

18 Locations Across North America

Members of Catapult Grow™ save big on lab fees with MicroDental Laboratories
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The MicroDental Customer Experience

“For the past decade, the MicroDental team has been an exceptional partner to my practice. The quality, level of care, and communication surpass any other lab I have ever worked with. Whether it is a neuromuscular case or a simple restoration, the MicroDental team takes the time and the effort to plan, design, and deliver the customized results each MicroDental patient desires. MicroDental provides unparalleled aesthetics to cosmetic cases, leaving a lasting impression.”

Soldotna, AK

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A Group Practice Solution

As part of Modern Dental, A Global Laboratory Network backed by 40 years of experience, we offer analog and digital solutions. Our commitment to beautiful smiles means less than 3% remake rate, using FDA-cleared materials. Our advanced technology helps fabricate two million cases yearly worldwide.
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A Full-Service Partner

As part of a leading global laboratory network you can trust, Aceso Dental USA is a full service laboratory! From single-unit crowns to complex implant cases, our wide product range is available to support your success!

The Aceso Experience

“We wanted to thank you for your high-end professional work you provide to Eton Dental, which we are truly happy with! Always on time, very responsive, and great attention to details.”

Canoga Park, CA

Connect with Aceso Dental USA

Fill out this form to connect with the Aceso team today!