Your key
to dental CE
+ so much more

For over 20 years, Catapult Education™ has been putting clinicians and teams first. We're dedicated to providing our community members with knowledge and opportunities for growth.

Sign up and enjoy access to

  • Live CE courses
  • Self-paced on-demand CE
  • Honest product reviews
  • and much more

See additional courses from Dr. Geissberger

#e-learning | #onlinecourses 

Let’s make progress together

Our vision is to make YOU more creative, more professional, more happy, more ready for your life.
We make education accessible for students from all over the world. Our doors are open to the students of all ages and any levels of experience.
 Our mission is to develop individuals, inspire creative passion, and increase students' self-confidence.


Our leading dentists and experienced investors have come together to create a way to democratize investing for the dental community. 

Early Access to Dental Innovation

Access some of the newest and most cutting-edge technologies that will shape the future of dentistry.

Credible Opportunities

All investment opportunities have been thoroughly vetted by our dental and due diligence experts.

Investing for All Experience Levels

Members can choose to invest from $10,000 upwards in any of the opportunities via the platform.

Benefit from Success

Who better to invest in and benefit from the success of dental startups than YOU, the dental community?